<aside> 🔄 Last updated: 3rd of September, 2024


<aside> 📄 Extract from the 3rd paragraph of "Leszálló - Terms & Conditions"


3. Protection of Personal Data

By registering in the application, the User accepts the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

3.1 User Database

By registering in the application, the User agrees that their email address, user ID, and full name will be stored by the Developer and used for marketing purposes. Additionally, the Developer will store information about in-app purchases made by the User. This database is provided by Google Firebase, whose privacy policy can be found here.

3.2 Newsletter Subscription

By registering, the User agrees to subscribe to the Leszálló Newsletter, from which they can unsubscribe later using the link provided at the bottom of the emails.

Before registration, the User had the opportunity to review these terms.

The newsletter and its database, which contains the User’s name, email address, and purchase history within the Leszálló app, are stored on Mailchimp servers, whose privacy policy can be found here.

3.3 BudapestGo API

The iOS application transmits the User’s geographical location to the Budapest Transport Center’s (hereinafter: “BKK”) BudapestGO API service to display nearby departures. The purpose of this is for the BudapestGO API to forward the departure times of BKK vehicles near the User’s location to the application for display.

This requires prior consent when the User accepts the sharing of their location with the Leszálló application in the iOS pop-up window.

The privacy policy of BudapestGO can be found here.

3.4 Advertisements

The application contains advertisements. These advertisements appear if the User has not purchased any in-app packages. These ads are provided through the Google AdMob service. The Google AdMob privacy policy is available here.

3.5 Bug Reporting, Contact via Email

The User can contact the Developer at [email protected]. These emails will be retained by the Developer as long as necessary for development, but no later than 90 days after the application ceases to exist, after which they will be deleted. The Developer may use the content of these emails for marketing purposes.

3.6 Data Deletion

The User can initiate the deletion of their data in the application by selecting the “Delete Account” option. In such cases, the User’s data will be deleted from the Firebase database, and they will automatically be unsubscribed from the Mailchimp newsletter. If this fails due to a software error, the User can contact the Developer, who will fulfill the request within 90 days.