<aside> 🔄 Last updated: 2023-07-27


<aside> 📄 Extract from the 3rd paragraph of "Leszálló - Terms & Conditions"


3. Protection of Personal Data

The application does not transmit or collect any personal data without the User's consent. For the application to function, it may collect the User's location data once with the User's permission and transmit it to the BKK API without any other personal data. The data protection document of the BKK API can be accessed through the following link: **https://bkk.hu/magunkrol/adatvedelem/**

Regarding the application, it is possible to send "bug reports" to the Developer via the email address provided in the AppStore. The Developer will keep these emails until they are needed for development purposes, but at the latest, for 90 days after the existence of the application, after which they will be deleted.

Requests for data deletion can be made to the email address [email protected], and the data controller (i.e., the Developer) will fulfill the request within 90 days.