<aside> 🔄 Last updated: 2023-07-27


1. Purpose of the Software

The purpose of the 'Mikor jön?' iOS, iPadOS, and macOS software (hereinafter referred to as the "application") is to make the User's travel in Budapest more convenient and faster. The User opens the application and can see when public transportation vehicles depart from nearby public transport stops.

The software explicitly disassociates itself from any form of criminal activity, illegal usage, or violation of laws and regulations.

The application is not considered essential for any type of transportation, public transportation, passenger transport, reaching a destination, or any other usage. Therefore, the Developer (Bartos Márk, [email protected]) assumes no responsibility for any personal injury, accidents, financial loss, or any other negative consequences/events that may occur for the User. The User can use the application at their own risk, paying attention to their immediate surroundings and other applicable rules and laws.

The software utilizes the publicly available Application Programming Interface (API) of the Budapest Transport Center (BKK), opendata.bkk.hu, but the development is independent of the Budapest Transport Center (BKK) and the Budapest Transport Company (BKV).

2. Right to Errors, Obsolescence, Bug Fixes

The Developer is not responsible for the accuracy or currency of the information displayed in the application, and the User acknowledges this upon downloading and using the application. Errors may occur during development. If any inaccuracies are discovered during development, the User can report them to the Developer via the email address provided in the AppStore, and the Developer will handle the personal data in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" paragraph. The Developer will assess the substance of the bug report and its compliance with the guidelines of the 'Mikor jön?' application and then decide on the correction of the error.

If the bug report is positively evaluated for correction, the Developer will proceed with the necessary fixes. However, it is possible that the software containing the bug fix may be rejected by the AppStore Connect review team, in which case the end-user will not receive the software update containing the bug fix.

Any further updates related to the application should be considered purely voluntary, and the Developer is not obligated to provide them.

These rights to errors, obsolescence, bug reporting, and bug fixing procedures also apply to any extra content available through in-app purchases.

3. Protection of Personal Data

The application does not transmit or collect any personal data without the User's consent. For the application to function, it may collect the User's location data once with the User's permission and transmit it to the BKK API without any other personal data. The data protection document of the BKK API can be accessed through the following link: **https://bkk.hu/magunkrol/adatvedelem/**

Regarding the application, it is possible to send "bug reports" to the Developer via the email address provided in the AppStore. The Developer will keep these emails until they are needed for development purposes, but at the latest, for 90 days after the existence of the application, after which they will be deleted.

Requests for data deletion can be made to the email address [email protected], and the data controller (i.e., the Developer) will fulfill the request within 90 days.

4. Availability

The Developer or Apple can terminate the existence of the application at any time. In such a case, the existing software will remain on the devices, including in-app purchases, but they will not be transferable to new devices, and the application will no longer be installable on new devices. This extraordinary event can occur at any time without prior notice or justification from the Developer or Apple.

5. Copyright

Any graphic elements that are NOT the property of BKK and/or BKV are protected by the Developer’s copyright.

The code of the 'Mikor jön?' application is protected by copyright.